Suggested ranges for categorization of PC-ELISA results and sensitivity for detection of prior E. ruminantium infection
PI | Interpretation
Sensitivity for detection of previous E. ruminantium infectiona (%)
Goats | Cattle | Goats | Cattle | |
<50 | Not previously exposed to E. ruminantium | Probably not previously exposed to E. ruminantium | NA | NA |
50-70 | Cross-reaction with other Ehrlichia sp. or weakly positive for E. ruminantiumb | Weakly positive for E. ruminantiumb or cross-reaction with other Ehrlichia sp. | 100 | 86 |
71-85 | Prior infection with or exposure to E. ruminantiumb or Ehrlichia sp. | Prior infection with or exposure to E. ruminantium | 100 | 79 |
>85 | Prior infection with or exposure to E. ruminantium | Prior infection with or exposure to E. ruminantium | 91 | 31 |
Where the cutoff is the lowest value in the range given and sensitivity for detection of previous E. ruminantium infection is calculated from results with experimental infections. NA, not applicable.
Except in situations where suitable Amblyomma vectors are considered to be absent.