Comparison of Fingers-Thumb connection in different RdRP structures. (a) Two orthogonal views of the interactions at the top of the thumb in poliovirus (PV1), rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV5), and Norwalk virus (NWV6) polymerases. The index finger is colored green, the ring finger is colored yellow, and the thumb is shown as a grey surface with its tryptophan “hook” residue colored magenta. Note how a loop on the thumbs of the RHDV and NWV polymerases forms a flap over the top of the index finger that interacts with the hook residue, forming a small tunnel through which the index finger passes in a β-strand conformation. In Norwalk virus polymerase this loop also wraps around Trp29 from the index finger (cyan), further stabilizing the interaction. (b) Structures of the native fingers-thumb interaction in hepatitis C virus polymerase8 and a benzimidazole-based inhibitor complex36 showing how this compound binds the top of the thumb where the index fingertip (λ1-loop) normally interacts.