Immunofluorescence staining of embryos with
OIC1D4 and anti-GLH-1 and anti-GLH-2 antibodies. Embryos are oriented
with anterior left and ventral down. (A). Embryo stained
with affinity-purified chicken anti-GLH-1 antibodies
(Left), mouse monoclonal antibody OIC1D4
(Center), and DAPI (Right).
(B–D). Embryos stained with affinity-purified mouse
anti-GLH-1 (Left), chicken anti-GLH-2
(Center), and DAPI (Right).
(A and B) Two-cell embryos.
P1 is in mitosis, and P granules are segregated to the
posterior cortex destined for P2. (C) Seven-cell
embryo. P2 is in mitosis, and P granules are segregated to
the ventral region destined for P3. (D)
Late-stage embryo showing P granules in Z2 and
Z3. (Bar = 10 μm.)