(A) NGF responsiveness of PC6 cells.
Two PMCA1 antisense RNA expressing transfectants (RSV9-2, RSV9-9) and
two PMCA1 sense RNA expressing control transfectants (RSV14-2, RSV14-4)
were plated on standard tissue culture plastic and allowed to attach
overnight. After attachment, fresh medium containing 100 ng/ml 2.5S
murine NGF was added and the cells were allowed to continue in culture.
The medium, with fresh NGF, was changed every 3 days. Cells were
photographed on day 6. (B) Quantitation of neurite length in
PMCA1 antisense expressing cells and controls. the length of neurites
on cells in A was determined. Length was expressed in
cell body diameters of the cell to which the neurite was attached.
Length was only measured for neurites that remained in the frame of the
picture and whose attachment to a cell could be clearly seen. For
branched neurites only the longest branch was scored.