Figure 3.
Combined dysplasia, A- ASCUS, the nucleus is twice the size of the left intermediate cell on the right, Pap stain, ×40. B- Another area showing nuclear pseudostratification and loss of the normal honey combing, Pap stain, ×40. C- A third area showing ASCUS and AGCUS in the same field, Pap stain, ×40. D- Glandular colonization by the neoplastic cells and dysplastic endocervical lining, H&E, ×10. E- Higher power magnification of the colonized glands showing koilocytes, increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio and large nucleolated nuclei, H&E, ×40. F- Higher power magnification of the endocervical dysplastic cells, H&E, ×40. G- Another field showing colonization of the glands by the koilocytes and residual normal endocervical cells, H&E staining, ×40. H- Surface epithelium showing koilocytic atypia, acanthosis, papillomatosis and basal cell hyperplasia, H&E, ×40.