The voltage-dependent Na+ currents in HEK293t cells transfected with hH1α, the α-subunit of the human cardiac Na+ channel. (A) Superimposed Na+ current traces were evoked by 10-ms duration depolarizing stimuli from −150, −120, and −90 mV to −30 mV at 0.2 Hz in an HEK cell expressing hH1α Na+ channels. The decrease of the maximal Na+ current from −120 compared with −150 mV is very small. The inset shows that no INa,α was evoked by the same voltage steps in a HEK293t cell not expressing hH1α Na+ channels. Capacitance and leakage currents have been subtracted on line from the Na+ currents shown. (B) The averaged peak INa,α was elicited by voltage steps to −30 mV from −150, −120, and −90 mV, respectively, in HEK293t cells expressing hH1α (n = 27).