(Upper) Southern blot
analysis of germ-line IgH switch regions. Placental genomic DNA was
digested with the indicated restriction enzyme, subjected to
electrophoresis on a 0.7% agarose gel, blotted, probed sequentially
with various switch probes, and scanned on a PhosphorImager (Molecular
Dynamics). The probe is shown above each lane, and lambda
HindIII markers are indicated at the left.
(Lower) The positions of switch regions (open
rectangles), sigma sequences (boxes with horizontal lines), joining
region and constant region exons (shaded boxes and lines), 5′ and 3′
switch probes (filled boxes), and restriction sites (S,
SphI; B, BglII; H,
HindIII) are indicated. The asterisk indicates a
SphI site that is present in the 3′ Sα probe and the
alpha-2 locus, but not the alpha-1 locus. With the exception of one
fragment detected uniquely by the 3′ Sα probe (see text), all 5 pairs
of probes cohybridize to the same respective fragment(s).