Immunofluorescence of control,
β1-null and dysgenic, α1S-null, myotubes
with antibodies to β1 and α1S DHPR subunits
and RyR-1. (a and b) Control myotubes
labeled with either anti-β1 (a) or
anti-α1S (b). Both show a punctate pattern
(arrows) reflecting aggregates of the respective DHPR subunits at
putative coupling junctions (triads, diads, pentads, and/or
peripheral couplings) (20). (c and d)
β1-Null myotubes labeled with either
anti-β1 (c) or anti-α1S
(d). (e) Dysgenic myotubes labeled with
anti-β show a weak, but punctate pattern (arrows).
(f) β1-Null myotubes labeled with
anti-RyR-1 in a punctate pattern (arrows). The diffuse background
staining in the myotube may represent RyR-1 that is not membrane
localized. (Bar = 20 μM.)