Figure 8.
Mgm1p, Fzo1p, and Ugo1p physically interact wit each other. Mitochondria were isolated from strain YRJ1282, which expresses HA-Fzo1p from pHS77 (A), or strain YRJ1294, which expresses myc-Ugo1p from plasmid pHS57 (B), and solubilized in 1% Triton X-100. Extracts were immune precipitated with antibodies to the HA epitope or to the myc epitope. Immunoprecipitates (ppt) were analyzed by immune blotting with antibodies to the HA epitope, the myc epitope, Mgm1p, OM45p, Tim23p, and Fzo1p and compared with 10% of the starting mitochondrial extract (ext). An asterisk, arrow, and arrowhead indicate Fzo1p, the 100- and 90-kDa forms of Mgm1p, respectively.