Fig. 2.
TRPA1 mediates dose-dependent HNE-evoked responses in cultured sensory neurons. (A) Dose–response analysis (Left) for HNE-evoked responses in cultured rat DRG neurons as assessed by calcium imaging. Response to capsaicin (Cap) is shown for comparison. Effects of several antagonists, including ruthenium red (RR, 1 μM), (+) camphor (Cam, 1 mM), and gentamycin (GM, 100 μM) on HNE-evoked responses were assessed (Right). The TRPV1 antagonist, capsezapine (CPZ, 10 μM), had no effect on HNE-evoked responses. Error bars represent SEM; n ≥ 22 cells; *, P < 0.05, Bonferroni's test vs. vehicle (Veh). (B) Trigeminal neurons from TRPA1+/+ (Left) and TRPA1−/− (Right) mice were exposed to HNE (100 μM), followed by capsaicin (Cap, 1 μM) and then high potassium (KCl; 100 mM), and responses were assessed by calcium imaging. Among Cap-sensitive neurons from wild-type animals, a subpopulation of HNE-responsive cells was observed. No HNE-sensitive cells were detected from TRPA1-deficient mice. Each trace represents an average of 15 responsive cells; n ≥ 399 neurons examined in ≥3 independent cultures per genotype.