Figure 1.
Phenotypes of loss or gain of c-Myb during positive selection coincide with high levels of c-Myb expression. (A) Percentage distribution of thymocyte subsets measured by expression of CD8 (x-axis) and CD4 (y-axis) in: a MybF/F littermate control versus a MybF/F:CD4Cre mouse (top panels); a MybF/FOTIIRAG2−/− control versus a MybF/F:CD4Cre OTIIRAG2−/− mouse (centre panels), and an age-matched normal control versus a vMyb4 transgenic (lower panels). Data are representative plots. (B) Dot plot showing expression of CD69 (x-axis) and TCRβ (y-axis) on thymocyte subpopulations used in this study. Subsets boxed as (A–D) are successively more mature (C) q-RT–PCR quantitating c-Myb mRNA levels relative to hprt in thymocyte subsets (A–D) from MHC Class I (black bars; CD4 only) and MHC Class II (white bars; CD8 only) mice. Data are the mean of ⩾5 separate experiments. Error bars: standard deviation (s.d.).