Lack of infectivity of the Ψ422 and g cell line
supernatants. (A) Quadruplicate cultures of Molt4/8 cells
were exposed to various amounts (0.001 to 1000 pg of p24 antigen) of
wild-type HIV-1-MN (♦) or mutant (Ψ422, ▪; gV,
○; gZ, ▵) virions. At day 28 cells were tested
for HIV-1 infection by p24 capture assay. The percentage of cultures
which were HIV p24-positive is represented for each viral input.
(B) In parallel, cells exposed to 0.1 pg of HIV-1-MN (lane
1) or to 1000 pg of Ψ422 (lane 2), gV (lane 3), or gZ (lane 4)
virions for 28 days were lysed and submitted to PCR using
gag-specific oligomers. A 114-nucleotide HIV-1
gag sequence was amplified only in cells infected with
wild-type HIV-1-MN (Upper). As a positive control the
β-actin gene was detected in the same cell lysates by PCR using
specific oligomers (Lower). PCR was performed on
noninfected Molt4/8 cells (lane 5) and on buffer (lane 6) as negative