A, Mean CO2 assimilation rate as a function of irradiance for F. bidentis wild-type plants (black symbols) and progeny of T1 transformants R111a#3 (white symbols). The means are from measurements made on three different individual plants for each genotype with a LI 6400 gas-exchange system in the glasshouse between 10 am and 2 pm. Measurements were made at pCO2 of 380 μbar and a leaf temperature of 28°C and started at 2,000 μmol quanta m−2 s−1. The leaves were acclimated at this irradiance for 20 min and then irradiance was reduced at 5-min intervals. Plants were grown during June and July, 2006, and midday irradiance in the glasshouse was approximately 800 μmol quanta m−2 s−1. B, Mean CO2 assimilation rate as a function of irradiance for F. bidentis wild-type plants (black symbols) and progeny of T1 transformants A47b#6 (white symbols). Measurements were made as described for A. Plants were grown during January and February, 2007, and midday irradiance in the glasshouse was approximately 1,500 μmol quanta m−2 s−1.