Table 2.
Average Unit Costs of Resources at MIEDAR Clinicsa (N = 412)
Unit Cost ($/unit) | |
Counselingb | |
Group | 6.25 (3.44) |
Individual | 28.71 (4.20) |
Family | 15.21 (12.91) |
Testingc | |
Materials | 13.06 (1.69) |
Labor | 3.67 (0.99) |
Incentives | |
Drawingd | 3.25 (1.78) |
Good job | 0.00 (0.0) |
Prize-small | 1.00 (0.0) |
Prize-large | 20.00 (0.0) |
Prize-jumbo | 100.00 (0.0) |
Restockinge | 2.87 (1.48) |
MIEDAR = Motivational incentives for enhanced drug abuse recovery
Values represent means and standard deviations (parentheses). Unit costs are averaged across all sites and weighted by sample size at each site. All labor includes fringe benefits and overhead.
$ per participant per session. Includes session time plus administrative time (e.g., taking notes). Prorated by average number of session participants.
$ per test. Includes both alcohol and drug testing.
$ per drawing session. Includes time to administer drawing.
$ per prize won. Includes time to inventory, shop, and restock prizes (typically done weekly, prorated by number of prizes won).