(A-D) Abnormal otoconial membranes (OM) in the utricle and saccule of Oc90 null mice. The membranes have more delicate fibers in the honeycomb layer, are less compact, brittle and frequently broken. Shown in inset in D is the flora-like structure that is also seen in the hslt saccule (Kiss et al., 2006). (E, F) Immunostaining shows the presence of Oc90 protein in the OM (arrows in E) in the wt vestibule (utricle shown), but not in the null vestibule (null OM is stained with phalloidin as denoted by arrows in inset in F). Arrowhead in E denotes Oc90-stained otoconia. The mutant Oc90 protein (6.6 kD), assuming translated and stable, is not expected to be incorporated in the crystals or OM as it lacks any functional domains. U, utricle.