Figure 3. Pax5 affects expression of BCR signaling components.
(A) Mapping of Pax5 target genes to the BCR pathway ( Triple arrows pointing up and down denote Pax5-activated and -repressed genes, respectively. DAG, diacylglycerol, which is produced by PLCγ2 and directly activates PKCβ; +p, phosphorylation; –p, dephosphorylation. (B) Immunoblotting using an anti-CD19 antibody. The 2 bands most likely correspond to the reduced and unreduced forms of the protein ( Three independent tumors from each group were tested. All tumors were from 4OHT-treated animals. (C) Flow cytometric detection of CD22 in GFP-only and Pax5-expressing Myc5-M5 tumors. Gray and black plots denote anti-CD22–stained and control cells (not stained with the primary antibody), respectively. (D) Real-time RT-PCR analysis of tumors from Figure 2C. Three independent tumors from each group were used for analysis, and each cDNA was tested in triplicate. Values on the y axis equal 2[30–Ct]. Error bars denote SD. In case of CD79a (Igα), significant upregulation was observed in Pax5ER TAM cells even in the absence of 4OHT. All genes shown are Pax5 with the exception of Pirb, a Pax5-repressed gene. All values are normalized for β-actin.