Distribution of Fos-like immunoreactivity in the
rostral brain of the cat. Camera lucida drawing of frontal sections
showing Fos-ir neurons following oral administration of the indicated
substances Note that (i) the placebo induces little
labeling, (ii) amphetamine or methylphenidate treatment
causes numerous Fos-positive neurons in the cerebral cortex and
striatum, and (iii) modafinil treatment induces little
labeling of the cortex and striatum, but a large number of aggregated positive
neurons is seen in the anterior hypothalamic nucleus (AH). ACC, nucleus
accumbens; CA, caudate nucleus; CL, claustrum; DBH, diagonal band of
Broca; GP, globus pallidus; IC, internal capsule; LV, lateral
ventricle; OC, optic chiasma; OLT, olfactory tubercle; OT, optic tract;
Para, anterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus; PrF, prefrontal
cortex; Pu, putamen; SI, substantia innominata; V3, third