Figure 7.
Comparison of functional interactions between the different upstream sequences and the HpOtxE/SpSpec2a core promoters. In each panel, the schematic on the left indicates the reporter plasmids introduced into fertilized eggs. I and II refer to which reporter (CFP or YFP) was connected to each promoter, as indicated by the boxes marked C and Y. The number of embryos showing the expression pattern corresponding to each profile is summarized in the panel to the right of each schematic. (First panel) pM4705/pM4731 (I) or pM4725/pM4692 (II), which are driven by the wild-type HpOtxE promoter and the wild-type SpSpec2a core promoter fused with the intact HpOtxE upstream sequence. (Second panel) pM4937/pM4944 (I) or pM4943/pM4938 (II), in which the HpOtxE upstream sequence was mutated within the putative GATA factor binding site #1. (Third panel) pM4939/pM4946 (I) or pM4945/pM4940 (II), in which the HpOtxE upstream sequence was mutated within the putative Otx factor binding site. (Fourth panel) pM4941/pM4948 (I) or pM4947/pM4942 (II), in which the HpOtxE upstream sequence was mutated within the putative GATA factor binding site #2. (Fifth panel) pM4782/pM4789 (I) or pM4788/pM4783 (II), in which the HpOtxE upstream sequence was mutated within the E-box.