Figure 4. Worker and queen organs producing the egg recognition pheromone.
A, Salivary gland (SG) of a Reticulitermes speratus worker. H: head, E: oesophagus, FG: foregut, MG: midgut. B, Accessory gland (AG) and ovary of a queen. OD: oviduct, S: spermatheca. C, Egg recognition activity of the extracts from worker salivary glands (SG), queen accessory glands (AG) and immature eggs collected from a queen ovary (IME). We compared the piling rates of dummy eggs made of glass beads coated with these extracts. The chemical concentrations were 0.025 worker equivalent extracts (eq.) per bead, 0.03 queen eq. and 0.02 queen eq., respectively. Data are means and standard errors from fifteen replicates (5 replicates × 3 colonies). Data for the three colonies were pooled because there was no significant difference among the colonies. Data for each treatment were compared to the control using two-tailed t-tests. ***: P<0.001.