Lineage-specific gene copy number changes among primate species. Examples of lineage-specific (LS) gene copy number changes across 10 primate species studied, as well as the divergence times in millions of years (Myr), from a last common ancestor with the human lineage, for each species: 5 Myr for chimpanzee, 5 Myr for bonobo, 2 Myr for chimp/bonobo split, 7 Myr for gorilla, 13 Myr for orangutan, 18 Myr for gibbon, 24 Myr for OWM, 39 Myr for NWM, and 60 Myr for lemurs (Jobling et al. 2004). Each vertical column represents data from one cDNA aCGH microarray experiment; the horizontal line represents data from one cDNA clone on the microarray, each of which is ordered according to human genome position. Arrows indicate to which primate lineage the LS change belongs. The estimated time frame of occurrence of LS changes is predicted using parsimony.