Phylogenetic relationship of partial arrA DNA sequences retrieved from Mono Lake sediments incubated at low (25 g/liter NaCl; MLSG-25) and high salinities (325 g/liter NaCl; MLSG-325). SL and ML refer to sequences originating from Searles Lake and Mono Lake sediments, respectively. Partial arrA sequences (n = 23) from the clone libraries obtained in this study (italicized, boldface type) were aligned with various known sequences using ClustalW in MacVector (v. 8). The tree was constructed using ARB and neighbor-joining analysis with Jukes-Cantor correction for transitions and transversions. Bootstrap values of at least 50% from 1,000 replications are labeled on the corresponding nodes. Clones marked with asterisks indicate unique arrA phylotypes. The scale bar represents 0.1 nucleotide substitution per site. Strains and GenBank accession numbers used in the tree are as follows: Bacillus arseniciselenatis strain E1H, AY660885; Shewanella sp. strain ANA-3, AAQ01672; and other SL and ML environmental sequences previously reported by Kulp et al. (10).