FIG. 5.
Pathway analysis reveals interactions between the major gene products affected by virulent infection. EGFR and IL-1R are included in the diagram to show that our results corroborate those from Bowick et al. (10), in which guinea pigs infected with virulent Pichinde virus P18 have much lower levels of phosphorylated EGFR and IL-1R than guinea pigs infected with benign Pichinde virus P2. Arrows pointing from one gene product to another signify activation. Small gray arrows signify downregulation, with the open arrows derived from kinomic results from the work of Bowick et al. (10). EGR1 and EGR2 are transcription factors, NR4A is a retinoic acid receptor, avian sarcoma virus oncogene homolog JUN is a transcription factor, murine sarcoma virus oncogene homolog FOS is a transcription factor, PTGS2 encodes COX-2, and IL-1R is an IL receptor protein. A connection between PTGS2 and VEGF was published previously (2) but not described in the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, so it is indicated by a stippled arrow.