FIG. 3.
VZV-HSV chimeric gE protein does not bind to IDE. (A) Structure of VZV-HSV chimeric gE. (B) Expression of VZV-HSV chimeric gE (lane 2) and HSV-2 gE (lane 4) was detected by immunoblotting with antibody to HA. Control plasmid 1 contains the chimeric gE sequence but does not express the protein; control plasmid 2 expresses GFP. (C) Immunoblot of cell lysate with anti-IDE antibody shows IDE in the lysate, but immunoprecipitation of HA-tagged chimeric gE or HSV gE using antibody to HA does not coimmunoprecipitate IDE. Control plasmids 1 and 2 are as described for panel B and do not coimmunoprecipitate IDE. The numbers to the right of panel B and the left of panel C are molecular weights in thousands.