Proteoliposomes were incubated with 50 μM [α32P] labelled ATP or ADP for the indicated time. Concentration of loaded nucleotides was 10 mM. Uptake was stopped by separation of external nucleotides from proteoliposomes by anion exchange chromatography.
(A) Time dependence of ATP uptake into ADP-loaded (gray squares), ATP-loaded (black diamonds), and unloaded proteoliposomes (open circles). (B) Time dependence of ADP uptake into ADP-loaded (gray squares), ATP-loaded (black diamonds), and unloaded proteoliposomes (open circles). Data are the means of at least three independent experiments, each with four technical replicates. An expanded time scale for the early time points (0 to 5 min) of the linear rate is given below the corresponding uptake kinetic.