(A) Schematic representation of the lentiviral constructs expressing sNEP and GFP. Blocks indicate lentiviral genetic components. Internal promoters and transgenes are indicated by arrows.
(B) HEK cells stably transfected with APP695 K595N/M596L (HEKAPP695) and CHO cells stably transfected with APP751 V717F (CHOAPP751) were transduced with the lentiviral constructs in (A). Lysates and conditioned media (CM) were collected and probed for sNEP, GFP, APP, and Aβ.
(C) Media from the lentivirally transduced cells were conditioned, and Aβ levels were determined by ELISA.
Immunoblots are representative of four experiments; Aβ ELISAs represent the mean ± SEM of four experiments, compared to GFP transduced cells: *** p < 0.001