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. 2005 Jun 30;61(Pt 7):640–646. doi: 10.1107/S1744309105019780

Table 1. X-ray diffraction data and refinement statistics.

Values in parentheses are for the outermost resolution shell.

Wavelength (Å) 0.9794
Resolution (Å) 15–2.3 (2.37–2.30)
Space group P21212
Unit-cell parameters (Å) a = 131.45, b = 137.15, c = 58.25
Redundancy 9.1 (6.7)
Unique reflections 48553 (4872)
Completeness (%) 96.7 (90.1)
I/σ(I)〉 20.3 (4.7)
Rsym 0.091 (0.330)
Rcryst 0.21 (0.23)
Rfree (5% data) 0.28 (0.30)
No. of protein atoms per AU 8,147
R.m.s.d. bonds (Å) 0.016
R.m.s.d. angles (°) 1.459
Average B (all atoms) (Å2) 27.6
Solvent molecules (sulfate/water) 17/120
Ramachandran plot statistics  
 Favored regions (%) 92.4
 Additional allowed regions (%) 7.6

R sym = Inline graphic Inline graphic.

R cryst = Inline graphic Inline graphic.