Figure 2.
Mild acidosis enhances AMPAR-mediated [Zn2+]i rises. A, B. FluoZin-3 loaded cultures were exposed to kainate (300 μM) for 1 min and washed out in a physiological buffer either at pH 7.4 (A) or pH 6.2 (B) for 20 min. Traces show mean FluoZin-3 ΔF (±SEM) of > 50 neurons from 4–7 experiments. C. Bar graph depicts the area under the curve during the recovery phase in the two conditions, * indicates differences between washout at pH 7.4 versus washout at pH 6.2 (P < 0.01). Note that AMPAR-mediated [Zn2+]i rises are greatly enhanced upon exposure to an acidotic environment.