Figure 7.
Astrocyte protein oxidation after hemin treatment is reduced by Ad-GFAP-HO-1. Upper figure is a representative immunoblot of lysates from astrocyte cultures treated with: Sham, medium exchange only; Hemin/AdNull, 10 μM hemin for 24 hours, after pretreatment for 24 hours with 100 MOI Ad-Null; Hemin, 10 μM hemin only for 24 hours, without virus pretreatment; Hemin/AdGFAP, 10 μM hemin for 24 hours, after pretreatment for 24 hours with 100 MOI Ad-GFAP-HO-1. Bars represent mean carbonyl signal intensities (± SEM, n = 5/condition). ***P < 0.001 v. hemin alone, # # #P < 0.001 v. sham, Bonferroni multiple comparisons test.