Figure 5 Number of dysfunctioning segments (wall motion score = 3 and 4) per patient (pt) with reflow (top panels), sustained microvascular dysfunction (MD) (middle panels) and reversible MD (bottom panels) in group A (left panels) and group B (right panels). The number of dysfunctioning reflow segments was reduced from 24 h to 1 week (*p<0.005) and 3 months (†p<0.001) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in both group A and B patients. An additional reduction in the number of such dysfunctioning reflow segments was observed between 1 week and 3 months after PCI (‡p<0.05) only in group A patients. The number of dysfunctioning with either sustained or reversible MD segments did not change over time in either group of patients. Numbers at the top of each graph represent the mean (SD) for each dataset.