Figure 9.
RNA in Situ Hybridization Analysis of PHV Expression.
RNA in situ hybridization analysis of PHV expression in 9-d-old Col ([A] and [E]), as2-1 ([B] and [F]), as1-1 ([C] and [G]), kan1 kan2 ([D] and [H]), bop1 bop2 ([I] and [M]), bop1 bop2 as2-1 ([J] and [N]), bop1 bop2 as1-1 ([K] and [O]), and bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 ([L] and [P]). Arrows indicate ectopic expression of PHV. s, shoot meristem region; b1 b2, bop1 bop2; k1 k2, kan1 kan2. Bars = 100 μm.