(a) Mature CD4+ T
cells expressed more transcripts of the transgene than mature
CD8+ T cells. Comparison of the amount of PCR-amplified
cDNA of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from FcRγTG
mice was made at three different cDNA dilutions, at which the amplified
DNA band intensities of a reference cDNA, GαS, were comparable. The
FcRγ PCR product is the lower band. The y axis
represents arbitrary units of the ratio of DNA band intensity of FcRγ
and GαS. (b) Mature CD4+ T cells expressed
the same, if not more, FcRγ protein as CD8+ T cells.
Whole cell lysates of 5 × 106 CD4+ or
CD8+ cells were run on reducing SDS/PAGE, blotted, and
probed with anti-FcRγ antibody as described. After detection, the
membranes were stripped and reblotted with anti-CD3 ɛ antisera.