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. 2007 Aug 29;104(36):14294–14299. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0702251104

Table 1.

Previously uncharacterized caspase-3 substrates isolated from round 3 of selection

Number Protein name Selected SOR/full length Tested FL or LF* Cut by caspase-3?
1 ADNP 824–929/1102
2 AFTIPHILIN 108–208/908
3 AGGF1 504–592/714 442–714 Y
4 ALS2C13 120–223/345
5 ANKRD1 26–97/319 1–319 Y
6 ARGAP21 1400–1498/1957
7 ARGEF12 683–776/1544
8 ARL13B 304–368/428
9 BCAS1 244–301/584 1–584 Y
10 BNIP2 4–79/314 1–314 Y
11 BTAF1 124–241/1849 1–472 Y
12 BRWD3 1588–1641/1802 688–1384 Y
13 C10ORF6 336–446/1173
14 C12ORF11 585–696/706
15 C219 599–711/1907 493–974 Y
16 CCDC47 79–192/483 1–483 Y
17 CDC10 92–240/417 1–417 N
18 CEP1 1333–1438/2325
19 CGNL1 630–725/1302 446–912 Y
20 CHD3 602–696/1966
21 CLU 116–213/501 53–501 Y
22 COG5 450–575/839
23 DGKB 354–453/773
24 DHX38 7–99/1227 1–674 Y
25 DNM1 547–647/851
26 DYN 2738–2830/5171 3384–3480/5171
27 EEF1B2 59–168/225 1–225 N
28 EPRS 921–1022/1512 693–1315 N
29 ESRRBL1/HIPPI 275–389/429 1–429 Y
30 FILIP1 709–848/1213
31 FLJ21908 351–457/665
32 FUS 273–357/526
33 GAPVD1 1051–1163/1487 940–1487 Y
34 GOLGA4 681–819/2230
35 GOLGB1 1833–1978/3259 1095–1701 Y
36 HSPA4 640–784/840 1–840 N
37 HYPB 781–900/2061 688–1263 Y
38 INO80 1322–1391/1556 1207–1556 Y
39 KIF21A 558–655/1661
40 JARID1A 1589–1685/1690 1131–1690 Y
41 KIAA0423 871–974/1720 593–1180 Y
42 KIAA0864 159–263/1402
43 KIDIN220 221–301/1771 1–627 Y
44 LMO7 1085–1184/1349 553–1271 Y
45 LOC22998 684–803/1083
46 M11S1 80–165/709 54–709 Y
47 MACF1 1661–1757/5430 4126–4240/5430 1427–2062 Y
48 MATRIN3 636–739/847
49 MLL3 810–910/4025 560–1126 Y
50 MNAB 1033-1113/1191 652-1191 Y
51 MORF15 145–292/362 1–362 N
52 MPP8 432–513/860
53 MYO18A 1943–2047/2054
54 NAPLl3 97–181/506 1–506 Y
55 NDUFS1 240–328/727 1–727 Y
56 NEB 832–928/6669 550–1058 Y
57 NEXN 309–355/505 1–505 Y
58 NUCB2 175–269/420 1–420 Y
59 PCF11 319–442/1555 1–713 Y
60 PDZGEF1 329–439/1499 130–950 Y
61 PHACTR2 511–592/634 1–634 Y
62 PHTF2 267–365/785
63 PIK3R1 501–631/724
64 PIK3R3 64–215/461 1–461 Y
65 PJA2 131–237/708 1–708 Y
66 PPP1R12A 833–916/1030
67 PSIP2 69–148/530 1–530 Y
68 PSMC1 251–323/440 1–440
69 PSMC3 269–348/439 1–439
70 PSRC2 317–395/1989
71 RNF6 128–227/685 1–685 Y
72 S100PBP 85–188/408
73 SALL1 97–134/1324
74 SCG3 78–138/468 1–468 Y
75 SERBP1 180–256/402
76 SHOC2 191–308/582 1–582 Y
77 SLC4A1AP 711–782/796 1–796 Y
78 SMARCA1 856–923/1054
79 SMC5 807–910/1101
80 SORBS1 389–525/816 1–816 Y
81 SPARCL1 257–335/664 1–664 Y
82 SSFA2 439–534/1256
83 SRP54 358–436/504 1–504 Y
84 STAC3 259–363/364 1–364 N
85 SYTL2 686–797/1256
86 TAF15 99–171/589
87 TFG 23–145/400 1–400 Y
88 UTP11L 109–196/253 1–253 N
89 UTP14C 305–395/766 1–766 Y

Only selected fragments whose specific cleavage by caspase-3 has been confirmed by SDS/PAGE are listed. Column 3 shows the range of the shortest overlap region (SOR) and the size of the full-length protein. Column 4 shows the range of the TNT-generated full length (FL) or of large fragment (LF) that had been tested in caspase-3 cleavage reaction (the results are listed in column 5). The GenBank accession numbers of these proteins are listed in SI Table 4. Y, yes; N, no. Bold text represents full-length proteins that were specifically cleaved by caspase-3, whereas italicized text represents large fragments from very large proteins that were specifically cleaved by caspase-3.

*Motif Scan ( and Protein Blast were used for the prediction of domains, motifs, and patterns. The Hierarchical Neural Network method ( was used for the prediction of secondary structures.