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. 2007 Jul 24;7:34. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-7-34

Table 2.

Pattern matrix (oblique rotation) of causal belief types based on belief frequency summed within belief types

Number of Items Factor 1 Factor 2 Communality Scale alpha
*ORGAN: Organic Deterioration 23 .96 -.08 .87 .91
*PHTR: Physical Stress 15 .91 -.02 .82 .86
*ACCID: Accident Plus 9 .84 .03 .74 .73
*PSTR: Psychological Stress 10 .83 .10 .76 .82
*INFECT: Infection/Infestation 4 .72 -.07 .49 .57
*LITR: Life Events/Circumstances Stress 17 .70 .27 .72 .89
META: Metaphysical 5 .66 -.02 .43 .84
MAGIC: Animistic/Magical 6 -.08 .84 .66 .66
RETN: Non-accidental Mystical Retribution 12 .08 .77 .65 .78
OMEN: Ominous Sensations 2 .00 .72 .51 .23
FATE* 5 -.06 .66 .41 .30
RETA: Accidental Mystical Retribution 5 .00 .64 .41 .45
CONTA: Contagion 3 .11 .38 .19 .12

%variance 43.3 15.4 Total % var = 58.7
Factor correlation .40

*Natural Beliefs a = .92; Supernatural a = .75