Figure 1.
The ice1 mutation blocks the cold-induction of CBF3 and affects the expression of other cold-responsive genes. (A) Morphology (left) and CBF3–LUC luminescence images (right) of wild-type and ice1 seedlings. Luminescence images of the plants were collected after 12 h of cold (0°C) treatment. (B) Quantitation of the luminescence intensities of wild-type (solid circles) and ice1 (open circles) seedlings in response to different durations of cold treatment. (C) Transcript levels of CBFs and their downstream target genes in wild-type and ice1 plants in response to cold treatment. Seedlings were either not treated (0 h) or treated with cold (0°C) for the indicated durations (h). The tubulin gene was used as a loading control. WT, wild type.