Figure 2.
JNK is necessary for the expression of the Pax2, Sox2, and Pax6 transcription factors in embryonic eyes. (A) Mutant E15.5 eyes express decreased amounts of Pax2 protein, as determined by immunohistochemistry, and Pax2 mRNA, as determined by in situ hybridization, compared with littermate controls (brown). (B) Mutant E11.5 eyes express decreased amounts of Pax2 protein (brown). (C) Mutant E15.5 eyes express decreased amounts of Sox2 protein (brown). (D) Mutant eyes express decreased amounts of Pax6 protein and Pax6 mRNA compared with littermate controls (brown). No staining was detected in control tissues incubated with either normal IgG plus the appropriate secondary antibodies (immunohistochemistry) or the relevant sense probes (in situ hybridization; data not shown).