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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2007 Sep 21.
Published in final edited form as: J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2006 Aug;23(8):1960–1966. doi: 10.1364/josaa.23.001960

General method to derive the relationship between two sets of Zernike coefficients corresponding to different aperture sizes

Huazhong Shu 1,2,*, Limin Luo 1,2, Guo-Niu Han 3, Jean-Louis Coatrieux 2,4
PMCID: PMC1961626  PMID: 16835654


Zernike polynomials have been widely used to describe the aberrations in wave-front sensing of the eye. The Zernike coefficients are often computed under different aperture sizes. For the sake of comparison, the same aperture diameter is required. Since no standard aperture size is available for reporting the results, it is important to develop a technique for converting the Zernike coefficients obtained from one aperture size to another size. In this paper, by investigating the properties of Zernike polynomials, we propose a general method for establishing the relationship between two sets of Zernike coefficients computed with different aperture sizes.

1. Introduction

In the past decades, interest in wave-front sensing of the human eye has increased rapidly in the field of ophthalmic optics. Several techniques have been developed for measuring the aberrations of the eye.1, 2 In general, these techniques typically represent the aberrations as a wave-front error map at the corneal or pupil plane. Zernike polynomials, due to their properties such as orthogonality and rotational invariance, have been extensively used for fitting corneal surfaces.36 Moreover, the lower terms of the Zernike polynomial expansion can be related to known types of aberrations such as defocus, astigmatism, coma, and spherical aberration.7 When the Zernike coefficients are computed, an aperture radius describing the circular area in which the Zernike polynomials are defined must be specified. Such a specification is usually affected by the measurement conditions and by variation in natural aperture size across the human population. Since the Zernike coefficients are often obtained under different aperture sizes, the values of the expansion coefficients can not be directly compared. Unfortunately, this type of comparison is exactly what needs to be done in repeatability and epidemiological studies. To solve this problem, a technique for converting a set of Zernike coefficients from one aperture size to another is required.

Recently, Schwiegerling8 proposed a method to derive the relationship between the sets of Zernike coefficients for two different aperture sizes, but he did not provide a full demonstration for his results. Campbell9 developed an algorithm based on matrix representation to find a new set of Zernike coefficients from an original set when the aperture size is changed. The advantage of Campbell’s method is its easy implementation. In this paper, by investigating the properties of Zernike polynomials, we present a general method for establishing the relationship between two sets of Zernike coefficients computed with different aperture sizes. An explicit and rigorous demonstration of the method is given in detail. It is shown that the results derived from the proposed method are much more simple than those obtained by Schwiegerling, and moreover, our method can be easily implemented.

2. Background

Zernike polynomials have been successfully used in many scientific research fields such as image analysis,10 pattern recognition,11 astronomical telescope.12 Some efficient algorithms for fast computation of Zernike moments defined by Eq. (7) below have also been reported.1315 Recently, Zernike polynomials have been applied to describe the aberrations in the human eye.1 There are several different representations of Zernike polynomials in the literature. We adopt standard OSA notation. The Zernike polynomial of order n with index m describing the azimuthal frequency of the azimuthal component is defined as

Znm(ρ,θ)={NnmRnm(ρ)cos(mθ)for m0NnmRnm(ρ)sin(mθ)for m<0,mn,nmeven (1)

where the radial polynomial Rnm(ρ) is given by

Rnm(ρ)=Σs=0(nm)/2(1)s(ns)!s![(n+m)/2s]![(nm)/2s]!ρn2s (2)

and Nnm is the normalization factor given by

Nnm=2(n+1)1+δm,0 (3)

Here δm, 0 is the Kronecker symbol.

Eqs. (2) and (3) show that both the radial polynomial Rnm(ρ) and the normalization factor Nnm are symmetric about m, i.e., Rnm(ρ)=Rnm(ρ),Nnm=Nnm, for m ≥ 0. Thus, for the study of these polynomials, we can only consider the case where m ≥ 0. Let n = m + 2k with k ≥ 0, Eq. (2) can be rewritten as

Rm+2km(ρ)=Σs=0k(1)s(m+2ks)!s!(ks)!(m+ks)!ρm+2k2s=Σs=k0(1)ks(m+k+s)!s!(ks)!(m+s)!ρm+2s(making the change of variables=ks)=Σs=0kck,smρm+2s (4)


ck,sm=(1)ks(m+k+s)!s!(ks)!(m+s)! (5)

Since the Zernike polynomials are orthogonal over the unit circle, the polar coordinates (r, θ) must be scaled to the normalized polar coordinates (ρ, θ) by setting ρ = r/rmax, where rmax denotes the maximum radial extent of the wave-front error surface. The wave-front error, W(r, θ) can thus be represented by a finite set of the Zernike polynomials as

W(r,θ)=Σn=0NΣman,mZnm(r/rmax,θ) (6)

where N denotes the maximum order used in the representation, and an, m are the Zernike coefficients given by

an,m=0rmax02πZnm(r/rmax,θ)W(r,θ)rdrdθ (7)

The above equation shows clearly that the coefficients an, m depend on the choice of rmax. This dependence makes it difficult to compare two wave-front error measures obtained under different aperture sizes. To surmount this difficulty, it is necessary to develop a method that is capable to compute the Zernike coefficients for a given aperture size r2 based on the expansion coefficients for a different aperture size r1. Without loss of generality, we assume that r1 takes value 1, and the problem can be formulated as follows.

Assume that the wave-front error can be expressed as

W(r,θ)=Σn=0NΣman,mZnm(r,θ) (8)

where the coefficients an, m are known. The same wave-front error must be represented as

W(r,θ)=Σn=0NΣmbn,mZnm(λr,θ) (9)

where λ is a parameter taking positive value. We need to find the coefficient conversion relationships between two sets of coefficients {bn, m}and {an, m}.

3. Methods and Results

In this section, we propose a general method that allows a new set of Zernike coefficients {bn, m} corresponding to an arbitrary aperture size to be found from an original set of coefficients {an, m}. As indicated by Schwiegerling,8 the new coefficients bn, m depend only on the coefficients an, m that have the same azimuthal frequency m. Thus, we consider a subset of terms in Eq. (8) all of which have the same azimuthal frequency m

Wm(r,θ)={(Σk=0Kam+2k,mNm+2kmRm+2km(r))cos(mθ),for m0(Σk=0Kam+2k,mNm+2kmRm+2km(r))sin(mθ),for m<0 (10)

where K is given by

K={(Nm)/2,if Nandmhave the same parity(N1m)/2,otherwise (11)

Similarly, the subset of terms in Eq. (9) with the same azimuthal frequency m can be expressed as

Wm(r,θ)={(Σk=0Kbm+2k,mNm+2kmRm+2km(λr))cos(mθ),for m0(Σk=0Kbm+2k,mNm+2kmRm+2km(λr))sin(mθ),for m<0 (12)

By equating (10) and (12), the sine and cosine dependence immediately cancels, and this leads to the following relation

Σk=0Kbm+2k,mNm+2kmRm+2km(λr)=Σk=0Kam+2k,mNm+2kmRm+2km(r) (13)

Note that we have taken into account only the case of m ≥ 0; the case where m < 0 can be treated in a similar manner. Let

R¯m+2km(r)=Nm+2kmRm+2km(r) (14)

Eq. (13) can be rewritten as

Σk=0Kbm+2k,mR¯m+2km(λr)=Σk=0Kam+2k,mR¯m+2km(r) (15)

In order to solve Eq. (15), we will use the following basic results.

Lemma 1

Let a function f(r) be expressed as

f(r)=Σn=0KanPn(r)=Σn=0KbnPn(λr) (16)

where Pn(r) is a polynomial of order n given by

Pn(r)=Σk=0ncn,krk,with cn,n0, (17)

then we have

bi=1λi[ai+Σn=i+1K(Σk=incn,kdk,iλki)an],i=0,1,2,,K (18)

from which CK = (cn, k), with 0 ≤ KnK, is a (K + 1) × (K + 1) lower triangular matrix, and DK = (dn, k) is the inverse matrix of CK.

The proof of Lemma 1 is deferred to Appendix A.

We are interested in a special case of Lemma 1 for which each polynomial order n can be expressed as n = m + qk where m and q are given positive integers, k = 0, 1, …, K. The corresponding result is described in the following corollary.


Given the positive integer numbers m, q, and K. let Pnm(r) be a set of polynomials defined as

Pnm(r)=Pm+qkm(r)=Σs=0kck,smrm+qs,k=0,1,2,,K (19)

Let f(r) be a function that can be represented as

f(r)=Σk=0Kam+qk,mPm+qkm(r)=Σk=0Kbm+qk,mPm+qkm(λr) (20)

Then we have

bm+qk=1λm+qk[am+qk+Σi=k+1K(Σj=kici,jmdj,kmλ(jk)q)am+qi],k=0,1,2,,K (21)

from which DKm=(di,jm) is the inverse matrix of CKm=(ci,jm), both matrices are (K + 1) × (K + 1) lower triangle matrix.

Both Lemma 1 and Corollary are valid for any type of polynomials. In order to apply them, an essential step consists of finding the inverse matrix DK or DKm when the original matrix CK or CKm is known. For the purpose of the paper, we are particularly interested in the use of Zernike polynomials. For the radial polynomials Rm+2km(r) defined by Eq. (4), we have the following proposition.

Proposition 1

For the lower triangular matrix CKm whose elements ck,sm are defined by Eq. (5), the elements of the inverse matrix DKm are given as follows

dk,sm=(m+2s+1)k!(m+k)!(ks)!(m+k+s+1)! (22)

The proof of Proposition 1 is deferred to Appendix A.

For the normalized radial polynomials R¯m+2km(r) defined by Eq. (14), it can be rewritten as

R¯m+2km(r)=Nm+2kmRm+2km(r)=2(m+2k+1)1+δm,0Rm+2km(r)=Σs=0kc¯k,smrm+2s (23)


c¯k,sm=2(m+2k+1)1+δm,0ck,sm=(1)ks2(m+2k+1)1+δm,0(m+k+s)!s!(ks)!(m+s)! (24)

Since the normalization factor Nm+2km depends only on m and k, by using the Proposition 1, we can easily derive the following result without proof.

Proposition 2

For the lower triangular matrix C¯Km whose elements c¯k,sm are defined by Eq. (24), the elements of the inverse matrix D¯Km are given as follows

d¯k,sm=1+δm,02(m+2s+1)dk,sm=(1+δm,0)(m+2s+1)2k!(m+k)!(ks)!(m+k+s+1)! (25)

We are now ready to establish the relationship between the two set of Zernike coefficients {bm, m, b m+2, m, b m+4, m, … bm+2K, m} and {am, m, a m+2, m, a m+4, m, … am+2K, m} appeared in Eq. (13). Applying Corollary to the normalized radial polynomials R¯m+2km(r) with q = 2 and using Eqs. (24) and (25), we have

Theorem 1

For given integers m and K, and real positive number λ, let {bm, m, b m+2, m, b m+4, m, … bm+2K, m} and {am, m, am+2, m, a m+4, m, … am+2K, m} be two sets of Zernike coefficients corresponding to the aperture sizes 1 and λ, respectively, we have

bm+2k,m=1λm+2k[am+2k,m+Σi=k+1K(Σj=kic¯i,jmd¯j,kmλ2(jk))am+2i,m]=1λm+2k[am+2k,m+Σi=k+1KC(m,k,i)am+2i,m],k=0,1,,K, (26)


C(m,k,i)=(m+2i+1)(m+2k+1)Σj=ki(1)ijλ2(jk)(m+i+j)!(ij)!(jk)!(m+j+k+1)!for i=k+1,k+2,,K, (27)

The relationship established in Theorem 1 is explicit, and the coefficient bm+2K, m depends only on the set of coefficients {am+2k, m, a m+2(k + 1), m, … am+2K, m} thus, it is more simple than that given by Schwiegerling.8 Note also that even though the above results were demonstrated for the case m ≥ 0, they remain valid for m < 0 due to the symmetry property of the radial polynomials Rnm(r) about m.

Table 1 shows the conversion relationship between the coefficients bn, m and an, m for Zernike polynomial expansions up to 45 terms (up to order 8). The results are the same as those given by Schwiegerling8 except for b1, m.

Table 1.

Coefficient conversion relationships for Zernike polynomial expansions up to order 8

n m New expansion coefficients bn,m
0 0 b0,m=a0,m3(11λ2)a2,m+5(13λ2+2λ4)a4,m7(16λ2+10λ45λ6)a6,m+3(110λ2+30λ435λ6+14λ8)a8,m
1 −1, 1 b1,m=1λ[a1,m22(11λ2)a3,m+3(38λ2+5λ4)a5,m4(210λ2+15λ47λ6)a7,m]
2 −2, 0, 2 b2,m=1λ2[a2,m15(11λ2)a4,m+21(25λ2+3λ4)a6,m3(1045λ2+63λ428λ6)a8,m]
3 −3, −1, 1, 3 b3,m=1λ3[a3,m26(11λ2)a5,m+22(512λ2+7λ4)a7,m]
4 −4 −2, 0, 2, 4 b4,m=1λ4[a4,m35(11λ2)a6,m+35(37λ2+4λ4)a8,m]
5 −5, −3, −1, 1, 3, 5 b5,m=1λ5[a5,m43(11λ2)a7,m]
6 −6, −4 −2, 0, 2, 4, 6 b6,m=1λ6[a6,m37(11λ2)a8,m]
7 −7, −5, −3, −1, 1, 3, 5, 7 b7,m=1λ7a7,m
8 −8 −6, −4, −2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 b8,m=1λ8a8,m

As correctly indicated by Schwiegerling,8 an interesting feature can be observed from Table 1: For a given radial polynomial order n, the conversion from the original to new coefficients have the same form regardless of the azimuthal frequency m. This can be demonstrated as follows.

Theorem 2

Let C(m, k, i) defined by Eq. (27) be the coefficient of am+2i, m in the expansion of bm+2k, m given by Eq. (26), and C(m+2l, kl, il) be the coefficient of am+2i, m+2l in the expansion of bm+2k, m+2l where l is an integer number less than or equal to k, then we have

C(m,k,i)=C(m+2l,kl,il) (28)


From Eq. (27), we have

C(m+2l,kl,il)=(m+2i+1)(m+2k+1)Σj=klil(1)iljλ2(jk+l)(m+l+i+j)!(ilj)!(jk+l)!(m+l+j+k+1)!=(m+2i+1)(m+2k+1)Σj=ki(1)ijλ2(jk)(m+i+j)!(ij)!(jk)!(m+j+k+1)! (29)

Comparing Eqs. (27) and (29), we obtain the result of theorem.

Another interesting feature was also observed which is summarized in the following theorem.

Theorem 3

For a fixed value of N, let N = m + 2K = m′ + 2K′, from Theorem 1, we have

bm+2(Kl),m=1λN2l[am+2(Kl),m+Σi=Kl+1KC(m,Kl,i)am+2i,m]=1λN2l[am+2(Kl),m+Σi=0l1C(m,Kl,i+Kl+1)aN+2i2l+2,m],l=0,1,,K (30)


bm+2(Kl),m=1λN2l[am+2(Kl),m+Σi=Kl+1KC(m,Kl,i)am+2i,m]=1λN2l[am+2(Kl),m+Σi=0l1C(m,Kl,i+Kl+1)aN+2i2l+2,m],l=0,1,,K (31)


C(m,Kl,i+Kl+1)=C(m,Kl,i+Kl+1) (32)

for i = 0,1,…, l−1, l = 0, l,…, min(K, K′)


From Eq. (27), we have

C(m,Kl,i+Kl+1)=(m+2i+2K2l+3)(m+2K2l+1)×Σj=Kli+Kl+1(1)i+K+1ljλ2(jK+l)(m+i+Kl+j+1)!(i+Kl+1j)!(jK+l)!(m+j+Kl+1)!=(N+2i2l+3)(N2l+1)Σj=0i+1(1)i+1jλ2j(N+i2l+j+1)!j!(i+1j)!(N+jl+1)! (33)


C(m,Kl,i+Kl+1)=(m+2i+2K2l+3)(m+2K2l+1)×Σj=Kli+Kl+1(1)i+K+1ljλ2(jK+l)(m+i+Kl+j+1)!(i+Kl+1j)!(jK+l)!(m+j+Kl+1)!=(N+2i2l+3)(N2l+1)Σj=0i+1(1)i+1jλ2j(N+i2l+j+1)!j!(i+1j)!(N+jl+1)! (34)

Comparison of Eqs. (33) and (34) shows that Eq. (32) is valid.

Table 2 shows the case of N = m + 2K = 7 for different values of m and K.

Table 2.

Coefficient conversion relationships for different values of m and K where N = m + 2K = 7

m K New expansion coefficients bn,m
5 1 b7,5=1λ7a7,5b5,5=1λ5[a5,543(11λ2)a7,5]
3 2 b7,3=1λ7a7,3b5,3=1λ5[a5,343(11λ2)a7,3]b3,3=1λ3[a3,326(11λ2)a5,3+22(512λ2+7λ4)a7,3]
1 3 b7,1=1λ7a7,1b5,1=1λ5[a5,143(11λ2)a7,1]b3,1=1λ3[a3,126(11λ2)a5,1+22(512λ2+7λ4)a7,1]b1,1=1λ[a1,122(11λ2)a3,1+3(38λ2+5λ4)a5,14(210λ2+15λ47λ6)a7,1]

4. Conclusion

We have developed a method that is suitable to determine a new set of Zernike coefficients from an original set when the aperture size is changed. An explicit and rigorous demonstration of the proposed approach was given, and some useful features have been observed and proved. The new algorithm allows a fair comparison of aberrations, described in terms of Zernike expansion coefficients that were computed with different aperture sizes. The proposed method is simple, and can be easily implemented.

Note that the formulae derived in this paper are mathematically correct for all values of λ = r1/r2 where r1 and r2 represent the original and new aperture sizes. But for application purpose, it is still recommended to make r2 less than r1. In the case where r2 is greater than r1, the wave-front error data must be extrapolated outside the region of the original fit. It is worth mentioning that such a process could produce erroneous results since the Zernike polynomials are no longer orthogonal in this region and they have high-frequency variations in the peripheries.8


This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 60272045 and Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University under grant No. NCET-04-0477. We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions.

Appendix A

Proof of Lemma 1

Eq. (16) can be expressed in matrix form as

f(r)=(a0,a1,a2,,aK)(P0(r)P1(r)P2(r)PK(r))=(b0,b1,b2,,bK)(P0(λr)P1(λr)P2(λr)PK(λr)) (A1)

Using Eq. (17), we have

(P0(r)P1(r)P2(r)PK(r))=CK(1rr2rK) (A2)


(P0(λr)P1(λr)P2(λr)PK(λr))=CK(1λrλ2r2λKrK)=CKdiag(1,λ,λ2,,λK)(1rr2rK) (A3)

Substitution of Eqs. (A2) and (A3) into (A1) yields

(a0,a1,a2,,aK)CK(1rr2rK)=(b0,b1,b2,,bK)CKdiag(1,λ,λ2,,λK)(1rr2rK) (A4)


(b0,b1,b2,,bK)=(a0,a1,a2,,aK)CK(diag(1,λ,λ2,,λK))1CK1=(a0,a1,a2,,aK)CKdiag(1,λ1,λ2,,λK)DK (A5)

Eq. (18) can be easily obtained by expanding Eq. (A5).

Proof of Proposition 1

To prove the proposition, we need to demonstrate the following relation

Σs=lkck,smds,lm=δk,l,0lkK (A6)

For k = l, by using Eqs. (5) and (22), we have

ck,kmdk,km=(m+2k)!k!(m+k)!×(m+2k+1)k!(m+k)!(m+2k+1)!=1 (A7)

For l < k, we have

Σs=lkck,smds,lm=Σs=lk(1)ks(m+2l+1)(m+k+s)!(sl)!(ks)!(m+s+l+1)!=(1)k(m+2l+1)Σs=lkF(m,k,l,s) (A8)


F(m,k,l,s)=(1)s(m+k+s)!(sl)!(ks)!(m+s+l+1)! (A9)


G(m,k,l,s)=(1)s+1(m+k+s)!(sl)!(k+1s)!(m+l+s)!(k+1s)(sl)(kl)(m+k+l+1) (A10)

it can be easily verified that

F(m,k,l,s)=G(m,k,l,s+1)G(m,k,l,s) (A11)


Σs=lkF(m,k,l,s)=Σs=lk[G(m,k,l,s+1)G(m,k,l,s)]=G(m,k,l,k+1)G(m,k,l,l)=0 (A12)

We deduce from Eq. (A8) that

Σs=lkck,smds,lm=0for l<k. (A13)

The proof is now complete.

Note that the proof of Proposition 1 was inspired by a technique proposed by Zeilberger.16


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