Figure 4.
Localization of chpH promoter activity using the egfp reporter gene. (A) Light microscope images of M600 carrying a chpH–egfp transcriptional fusion, or egfp alone. (Left) Fluorescent images. (Right) Phase contrast images. Panels 1 and 2 show images of M600 containing the chpH–egfp transcriptional fusion, and panels 3 and 4 show M600 containing promoterless egfp. Arrows in panels 1 and 2 indicate spore chains that show the greatest fluorescence. (B) Confocal microscope images of M600 containing the chpH–egfp transcriptional fusion. The strain containing egfp alone was used to adjust the fluorescence, removing any visible autofluorescence before examining the chpH–egfp-containing strain. (C) Confocal microscope image of a cross-section of a colony (M600 carrying a chpH–egfp transcriptional fusion). Panel 1 shows the fluorescent image, panel 2 shows the phase contrast image, and panel 3 shows an overlay of panel 1 on 2, illustrating the localization of fluorescence to the aerial structures. Bars: A,B, 10 μm; C, 100 μm.