Histology of carcinomas and survival curves for Fancd2 mutants and
controls. Tumor-free (A; both adenoma and carcinoma) and
carcinoma-free (B; only carcinoma) survival curves are shown for the
combination of mixed and 129S4 populations. P values were determined by
Logrank test. (C–F) H&E-stained paraffin-embedded
sections of tumors from Fancd2–/– animals.
Arrows indicate mitotic cells with condensed chromatin. Magnification,
200×. (C) Ovarian adenocarcinoma with large acini lined by tall
columnar cells having abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and highly pleomorphic
hyperchromatic nuclei (129S4, 3 mo). (D) Mammary adenocarcinoma in
which large clusters of mitotically active and pleomorphic cells were found,
ranging from columnar cells to nests of small, undifferentiated cells in
clusters (mixed, 13 mo). (E) Lung adenocarcinoma of broncho-alveolar
origin, with rows of columnar epithelial cells having a high
nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio lining septa, sometimes forming papillae or filling
air spaces (129S4, 13 mo). (F) Hepatocellular carcinoma is
multinodular and well differentiated. The neoplastic cells vary from being
smaller than normal hepatocytes to 2×–3× larger (mixed
background, 18 mo).