Figure 8. Ghrelin and GHS-R–deficient mice demonstrate accelerated age-associated thymic involution.
(A) Thymocyte counts in ghrelin–/– and GHS-R–/– mice did not differ at 2 months of age but were significantly reduced at 24 months of age. (B) The histological examination of thymus from 24-month-old ghrelin–/– mice revealed a greater loss of CMJs, reduced cellularity, and an increased number of adipocytes in the thymus. Original magnification, ×10 (upper and lower panels); ×20 (middle panels). A similar reduction in cellularity and enhanced thymic involution from age-matched littermates was observed in GHS-R–/– mice. (C) GHS-R–/– mice displayed an increase in cortical adipocyte infiltration with no significant difference in intrathymic GH expression (arrowheads). Original magnification, ×40. (D) GHS-R–deficient mice did not show significant change in serum IGF-1 levels. (E) Ghrelin promoted thymopoiesis in 12-month-old mice via GHS-R–specific pathway. The 2-week-long ghrelin infusions increased the thymocyte number in WT mice but not in GHSR–/– mice.