Figure 3.
X-gal staining of abdominal ganglia. Both ganglia were coinjected with pNEXδ-hrGFP to see whether the injected DNA constructs were properly expressed. We observed hrGFP expression in one cell (ApC/EBP and ApCREB2 bZIP) and 13 cells (ApCREB1a and ApC/EBP bZIP) in each ganglion (data not shown). (A) Ganglion injected with full-length ApC/EBP and the bZIP domain of ApCREB2. Three cells were strongly stained (large arrows), and some cells were weakly stained (small arrows). (B) Ganglion injected with full-length ApCREB1a and the bZIP domain of ApC/EBP. No cells were stained.