Figure 1.
Examples of histological samples (HE) from canine and human liver diseases. CANINE ACUTE HEPATITIS: Marked infiltration of mononuclear and granulocytic inflammatory cells and focal necrosis. CANINE CHRONIC HEPATITIS: Small fibrous septum with interface hepatitis as well as lobular hepatitis; several apoptotic bodies. CANINE LOBULAR DISSECTING HEPATITIS: Lobular dissection by fibroblasts and ductular proliferation and a slight inflammatory infiltrate. CANINE CIRRHOSIS: Broad fibrous septum with ductular proliferation and a marked inflammatory infiltrate with interface hepatitis. HUMAN ACUTE HEPATITIS: Marked infiltration of mononuclear and some granulocytic inflammatory cells and some apoptotic bodies. HUMAN CHRONIC HEPATITIS: Fibrous septum with some ductular proliferation and slight interface hepatitis. HUMAN MICRONODULAR CIRRHOSIS: Dissection of the parenchyma by small fibrous septa, slight ductular proliferation and inflammation; hepatocytic ballooning, Mallory bodies, and apoptosis. HUMAN CIRRHOSIS: Broad fibrous septum with ductular proliferation and a marked inflammatory infiltrate with interface hepatitis.