Figure 1.
Centrosomes Do Not Segregate Asymmetrically in Female GSC Divisions
(A) Schematic diagram of a Drosophila germarium.
(B–E) WT (B and C) and DSas-4 mutant (D and E) germaria stained for centrioles (D-PLP [red]) and the spectrosome/fusome (Shot [green]). The nuclei of the GSCs are labeled with an asterisk. In the WT GSCs, neither the single centrosomes (arrows in B) nor the replicated centrosomes (C) adopt a consistent position relative to the spectrosome (arrowheads in B–E) or the stem cell niche. The mutant germarium in (D) has no centrosomes. The germarium in (E) has only a single centrosome (arrow), which is not in a GSC. This demonstrates that the mother centrosome is not selectively retained in female GSCs. Scale bars represent 10 μm.