Circadian Expression Analysis of EPR1 and Multiple Circadian Rhythm–Regulated Genes.
EPR1, LHY, CCA1, and TOC1 levels of expression in wild-type (WT) plants (A), in EPR1-overexpressing plants (EPR1 ox-19) (B), and in LHY-overexpressing plants (C). Lhcb expression levels were analyzed in wild-type, EPR1-overexpressing (EPR1 ox-19), and LHY-overexpressing (LHY ox) plants (D). All plants were grown under 12-h-light/12-h-dark cycles for 2 weeks and then transferred to LL conditions (time 0). Plants were harvested every 4 h for 48 h, and total RNA isolated and expression levels were determined by RNA gel blot analysis and quantification. rRNA was used as a loading control.