Figure 6.
Irx3 is required for intermediate tubule formation in the Xenopus pronephric kidney. (A–I) Irx3-MO (5 ng; A–G, I) or Irx3(mp)-MO (5 ng; H) and mRNA (0.25 ng) for the lineage tracer nuclear β-galactosidase were coinjected into single V2 blastomeres of eight-cell-stage embryos. Injected embryos were raised to the embryonic stage indicated, fixed, and processed for β-gal activity. Expression of marker genes was subsequently visualized by in situ hybridization. Control and injected sides are shown as lateral views with accompanying enlargements of the pronephric kidney region. (A,B) Irx3 knockdown affects pronephric morphogenesis. Arrowheads indicate the central looped region that is abnormal. Schematic representations show the outline of the nephron in normal and Irx3-MO-injected embryos. (C) Irx3 knockdown does not affect PT1 and PT2. (D–F) Irx3 knockdown causes a loss of the proximal tubule segment PT3. The arrowhead indicates the position of the PT3 segment. Examples of strong reduction (E) and complete loss (F) of slc7a13 expression are shown. (G–I) Irx3 knockdown causes loss of IT1 and IT2 but not of DT1. Arrowheads indicate the location of DT1. Note that slc12a1 expression remains unaffected in the presence of the control Irx3(mp)-MO (H). (J) Summary illustrating the nephron segmentation defects seen in irx3 knockdown embryos. See Figure 1C for the nomenclature of pronephric nephron segments and their abbreviations.