Figure 2.
Concentration-dependence of the Ba2+ block of KIR currents in HPASM cells. (A) Effects of Ba2+ on a family of currents evoked by 300 ms voltage steps from −150 to 0 mV at a holding potential of −20 mV. (B) Mean I-V relationships of steady-state current recorded in the absence and presence of increasing concentrations of Ba2+ (n= 9). (C) Concentration-response curves for the Ba2+-induced block measured at various potentials (−120 to −40 mV). The solid lines represent best fit of the data to Eq. 1. Values for the IC50 and the slope factor (n) were 45.2 μM (n=0.36), 39.1 μM (n=0.37), 49.4 μM (n=0.35), 150.0 μM (n=0.40) and 407.6 μM (n=0.33) at −120 mV, −100 mV, −80 mV, −60 mV and −40 mV, respectively.