Figure 1.
Brain maps are modified from Swanson (19) and represent coronal sections from three levels of the brain measured from bregma (B). Approximate distributions of cells containing nuclear ERβ-ir in the PVN (PVH in the figure) and SON (SO in the figure) of the female rat hypothalamus are illustrated. Each dot represents approximately two labeled cells within a 40-μm section. fx, Fornix; ME, median emminence; opt, optic tract; sup, supraoptic commissures; V3, third ventricle; sudivisions of the PVN: dp, dorsal parvicellular; lp, lateral parvicellular; mpd, medial parvicellular, dorsal zone; mpv, medial parvicellular, ventral zone; pv, periventricular part; pmm, posterior magnocellular, medial zone; pml, posterior magnocellular, lateral zone; SOr, retrochiasmatic SON; ARH, arcuate nucleus; PV, periventricular nucleus; VMH, ventromedial nucleus.