Fig. 3.
(A) Immunodetection of DAP complex in C57BL/10 and mdx peripheral nerve extracts. a) Western blots revealed a dystrophin isoform (Dp116) and utrophin isoforms (Up395 and Up71) in C57BL/10 and mdx total nerve extracts, using a monoclonal antibody recognizing both dystrophin and utrophin (5A3). b) Dp116 detection on the same extracts with C-terminal dystrophin antibody (H4). c) C-ter utrophin antibody (K7) detection showed the full utrophin (Up395) in C57BL/10 and both Up395 and the short product Up71 (71 kDa) in mdx extract. d) Represents Western blot detection of β-dystroglycan (β-DG) in C57BL/10 and mdx nerve extracts. We noted that two isoforms of β-DG (43 kDa and 30 kDa) were present in PN extracts the 43 kDa isoform (β-DGfull) was more abundant in C57BL/10 extract than in mdx one. In the opposite, the 30 kDa (β-DG30) was more represented in mdx PN extract than in normal one. All the samples were equilibrated according to β-actin detection. (B) Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of a) Up395, b) β-DG and c) Up71 transcripts. PCR products after cDNA amplification of Up71, Up395 and β-DG of C57BL/10 and mdx Schwann cells nerves. Assay was performed in duplicate and the different mRNA was expressed as a fraction of the House-keeping gene GAPDH. The 100-pb molecular mass markers (Promega) were used to estimate the molecular mass of the PCR products. d) Statistical analysis of the mRNA level of the Up395, β-GD and Up71. Black histograms correspond to mdx samples whereas the white histograms represents that of wild-type (C75BL/10) samples.