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. 2007 Sep 19;2(9):e908. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0000908

Table 1. Tree reproductive traits with their respective categories adopted in this study.

Reproductive traits Categories*
1. Pollination system1 bats; bees; beetles; birds; butterflies; diverse small insects (DSI); flies; moths (excluding hawkmoths); Sphingids (hawkmoths); non-flying mammals; wasps; wind
2. Floral biology
Size2 inconspicuous (≤4 mm); small (>4≤10 mm); medium (>10≤20 mm); large (>20≤30 mm); very large (>30 mm)
Reward1 brood or mating places/floral tissues (BMFT); nectar; oil; pollen; nectar/pollen; without resource (other than deceit flowers)
Type3 bell/funnel; brush; camera; flag; gullet; inconspicuous (attributed to very small flowers, ≤4 mm); open/dish; tube
Anthesis period1 diurnal; nocturnal
3. Sexual system4 (morphological expression) andromonoecious; dioecious; hermaphrodites (distinguishing those heterostylous); heterostylous; monoecious
4. Reproductive system4,5 agamospermic; self-compatible; self-incompatible; outcrossing (self-incompatible+dioecious species)

According to [66], [86], [87];


According to [88];


Adapted from [66];


According to [89];


Outcrossing (or obligatory xenogamous) according to [90].


To analyze data we also grouped some categories into new ones as: 1) generalist pollen vectors sensu [65] (including small bees, butterflies, DSI, flies, moths, wasps, and wind); 2) specialist pollen vectors sensu [65] (including bats, medium-large bees, beetles, birds, hawkmoths, and non-flying mammals); 3) small+inconspicuous flowers; 4) medium+large+very large flowers; 5) open/dish+inconspicuous flowers ( = flowers with easily accessible resource sensu [66]); 6) floral types other than open or inconspicuous ( = flowers with concealed resource sensu [66]); 7) bird-+bat-+non-flying mammal-pollinated flowers ( = vertebrate pollination); 8) non-hermaphrodite sexual systems.