Fig. 7.
gAcrp suppresses LPS-stimulated early growth response-1 (Egr-1) DNA binding activity. Kupffer cells from pair- and EtOH-fed rats were cultured for 16 h with 0, 10, or 1,000 ng/ml gAcrp. Cells were then stimulated or not with 100 ng/ml LPS for 60 min, and nuclear proteins were extracted. DNA binding activity was then measured by EMSA. Control lanes are shown as no protein loaded (NP) and a positive control (PC) of a nuclear extract from the liver of a mouse treated with LPS via an intraperitoneal injection; n = 6. *P < 0.05 compared with pair-fed rats at each concentration of gAcrp; +P < 0.005 compared with cells not treated with gAcrp in the same diet group.