Measurements of endogenous respiration rate or (ascorbate + TMPD)-dependent respiration rate by intact 143B.TK− cells. (a) Relative oxygen consumption rate by cells in DMEM lacking glucose, or in TD buffer in the absence or presence of DNP, or in TD buffer in the presence of DNP and either rotenone (Rot) or antimycin A (Ant) or KCN, or in TD buffer in the presence of DNP, antimycin A, ascorbate, and 0.2 mM TMPD. The data represent the means ± SE obtained in two determinations made in DMEM (−glucose) or TD, 7 determinations in TD+DNP, one determination in TD+ DNP+rotenone, or in TD+DNP+antimycin A, or in TD+DNP+KCN, and 12 determinations in TD+DNP, antimycin A, ascorbate, and 0.2 mM TMPD. (b) Dependence on concentration of TMPD, in the presence of a constant concentration of ascorbate, of the initial oxygen consumption rate associated with isolated COX activity in DNP- and antimycin A-treated 143B.TK− cells (•), HeLa cells (□), and the fibroblast cell line 701.2.8c (▵), expressed as a percentage of the endogenous rate. The data shown represent the means ± SE obtained in 2–12 determinations on 143B cells tested at each of different concentrations of TMPD (the error bars that fall within the individual data symbols are not shown), or the results of single determinations on HeLa cells or 7012–8c cells.